
About The Blog

This blog started as an assignment given to me by a certain pr professor, Bill Sledzik. Though social media does interest me I never thought I would end up a “blogger” or I should say end up blogging. I’m not comfortably putting myself in the same category with some of the excellent writers I’ve come across in the blogosphere. Heck, I wasn’t even entirely sure what blogging was until January of 08′.

This blog is more or less a commentary on how easily ideas and opinions spread on the Internet, or as some people say through non-traditional media. My goal in a way is to point out that no matter how ridiculous, insulting or unfounded a person’s comments can be it still has the power to sway public opinion. Which is my I’m narrowing my focus to topics dealing with things Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly say, or topics that involve them. I’m especially fascinated by the fact that a lot of their opinions aren’t founded on any solid evidence, however people still believe what they say. I’m not trying to attack their intelligence, they are well educated people, however that is another reason why their off the wall views intrigue me. These folks may be easy targets, but hey it’s my first blog! All I can hope for is that you enjoy reading it, or at least find it mildly entertaining.

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