
More Money Please

April 21, 2008

In the ‘blogosphere’, I’ve come to realize that sometimes even the most professional bloggers have bad days. Bad days for avid bloggers will most likely result in a post where they let all who view it know exactly what they are feeling. They are called rants. So I want to preface this post as a pseudo rant. I’m not sure I’m quite qualified to write a rant about taxes. As you will read, 2008 is the first year I completed my own. But this is exactly how I felt at the time. I’m sure this isn’t the last time I will have a bad day in regards to the IRS.


The Web makes everything easier right? You can research anything in a matter of seconds, contact hundreds of friends on Instant Messenger and e-mail assignments to a professor last minute (my personal favorite). Very recently, I’ve discovered the ‘beauty’ of online taxes. With the Web site TurboTax, I was able to complete my Federal and State taxes in 30 minutes.


When I checked the last box, on the last form, I sighed with relief. My first attempt at doing my own taxes was complete! However, there was more on the agenda I was not prepared for.


I was asked to donate to a presidential candidate’s campaign. I did a little research and discovered this practice has been around for some time. This being my first time doing my own taxes, however, I was frankly annoyed.


Not only do I owe the state a couple hundred dollars, but that is not enough. I should donate to Hillary’s, Obama’s or McCain’s campaign? No! Not gonna do happen Uncle Sam. I’m done owing you money for the year. I have an education to pay for so I can get a real job and give you MORE money.


  1. I came across your blog on Technorati. Nice site layout. I will stop by and read more soon.

    Mike Harmon

  2. I’ve never done taxes before but it seems to me that I, too, would be annoyed if they asked me to give more after I had just finished paying the government money. I think the presidential candidates, with their record breaking amounts of funds they have raised, are doing okay on their own. (Or is this how they raise a lot of their money? I’m unfamiliar with where it all comes from.)

  3. It seems pretty shady to sneak a donation category for a presidential candidate among your tax paperwork. It’s even worse if it only favors one particular candidate. I wonder if this is an attempt to get money from people that rush though doing their taxes and they may accidentally check yes I would like to donate.

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