
Obama gives Hillary the finger?!?!

April 24, 2008

“The blogs are buzzing about this one”. Contessa Brewer an MSNBC correspondent, reported on the six-day-old story about whether or not Barack Obama flipped Senator Hillary Clinton the ‘bird’.

MSNBC reported yesterday that during a rally in Raleigh, NC., Barack Obama may have disguised flip of his middle finger as a mere cheek scratch. Not only does Contessa Brewer not know if what Obama’s action was aimed at Clinton, but she doesn’t even know if he was actually flipping her off.




As enthralling (cough, cough) as this presidential race is, there has GOT to be something else to talk about. I’m sure these MSNBC correspondents can something up. Oh! Like maybe the global food shortage, the AIDS pandemic in Africa or Dancing With the Stars!Something  important.

This faux story had already made its rounds on RedState and Foxnews.com, but the middle finger claim was shot down as anything legitimate.

The perplexing aspect about this issue is that it’s even an issue at all. I belive entertainment reported as news is a direct result of too many news outlets.

Years ago when the major news networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) were American’s only source for news, the stations had to focus on the most important news stories of the day. News was a family event.

Now, mom and dad can watch CNN and the kids can watch E! News to watch Lindsay Lohan fall off ‘the bandwagon’.

But I guess if worse comes to worse Obama could always react like George Costanza. “It wasn’t a flip, it was a scratch, no flip, scratch”!


  1. If this statement is true, which it was never confirmed, sadly it is what people love to see and hear about, two famous people getting into an argurment or fight. Americans flock to this kind of entertainment whether its celebritries , candidates, or even a bar fight on a Saturday night. With this incident it is getting people to watch the candidates and get their daily dose of Jerry Springer also.

  2. It is common to hear that kind of news in elections times. The idea of sharing ideas and explaining them to the country are none. There is nothing wrong talking about “Obama gives Hillary the finger” if those people were just simple individuals or even artists. However, it is not acceptable is that those people who will represent the face of a nation are being involved in this childish things. Maybe, the the media wanted to make them look funny because people want to laugh but the future of this nation will be in the hands of this funny people. the picture in that blog is expressive and makes the topic even more hillarous.

  3. i did not mean to be sarcastic or mean but i have been hearing this articles years and now, sometimes myself, as a common voter this makes me laugh and upset at the same time. If i have to prefer between laugh or get upset, i ofcourse will prefer to laugh.

  4. Drama says : I absolutely agree with this !

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